Okay, it’s been a while since the Apple iPad announcement and most of the noise has died down awaiting the retail release next month. I have had some time to take-in the hoopla and come to a resounding conclusion. I want the iPad!
Let me be clear, I wasn’t too hyped about this product when first announced because I’m not a huge book or non-tech news reader (shame). Most of the reading I do is either technical jargon or my daily consumption of technology media, which for all intents and purposes, is better suited for viewing on a computer. So yes, I was ready to write off the iPod until I heard a few interesting takes on possible uses for this device.
Best Comic Book Reader Ever. Okay, I pondered this idea when I originally got my iPhone 3G. And to some extent, it works. But as you would guess, the main problem here is screen real estate. Yes, on a iPhone the touch operations are more than great for standard comic book viewing, but the ultimate problem is there is simply not enough screen space for this concept to truly be great.
The iPad would quickly solve this problem and also provide all the great features that we get from the iPhone. And unlike other electronic readers out there, the experience would be in full color and with excellent potential of expansion.
For example, imaging reading a comic that eludes to some reference that only the die-hard fans would get or even understand. You could easily provide a popup link that explains the reference in detail. Sort of like the enhanced version of Lost! Honestly, the possibilities are endless and ultimately this lends to making comic books more assessable as a whole.
In-Car Device You’ve Been Craving For. One of the most disappointing things that I’ve seen amidst the whole iPhone, smart-phone craze lately is that in-car stereo systems haven’t taken similar leaps and bounds forward. Okay, of course I know that Ford and other companies have made profound updates with their built in stereo/GPS units, but we haven’t seen anything similar in the after-market space. And let me be clear, there have been a slew of manufactures out there that have tried to hit it out the park on this, but most just seem half-hazard, and way off from what you’d expect compared to what we are seeing in the smart-phone space.
That being said, the Apple iPad would be an in-car stereo wet dream. The iPhone or iPod Touch almost hit’s the mark here, but the number one problem is, once again, screen real estate, and using iPhone for GPS is often nerve racking. The huge screen of the iPad easily solves this problem. And with a thirty dollar monthly price tag for 3G coverage, it should give you all the connectivity you need on the go. Also, there is arguably no better mobile music player than Apple’s iPod. These two points alone could easily make this an excellent in-car device when you take into account Apple’s superior user interface. Of course there are devices out there that have these functions, but user experience makes all the difference.
Home Media Device. As many people do with their iPhones or iPod Touch, this device will easily become the device that people use around the house. Why? It removes you from being tethered to the desk for quick tasks that should feel more like relaxation than work. Do a quick check of your email, read a few passages of a book, check out the latest news, update your social networking sites, check the weather for the day, must i go on? And like I said, most people can do these things with their phone now, but once again, user experience is everything. The huge screen of the iPad will make these experiences more enjoyable, and truly make them feel like leisure. More relaxing than having to be at your desk or haul a huge laptop around, and more enjoyable than viewing the tiny screen on your phone.
Conclusion. In conclusion, I’ve pointed out just a few great uses of the iPad and why I’m sold on it. Though I’m not sure I’ll be getting one anytime soon based solely on price, I do feel this device is going to quickly find its niche in many markets. The Wi-Fi models, which start at $499 will be shipping in late March, with the 3G models (the one you want) starting at $649 being released sometime in April. Save your pennies!