The Best Xbox One Hack You’re Probably Not Doing


First off, calling this a hack may be a bit of an over statement. But there is a **ahem** trick that will allow you to share your digital library with one other friend. This functionality is really meant to allow an Xbox Live user to share his games and ability to play online with other family members in the household, even when said person is not logged in the console. This is accomplished by making a particular Xbox One your “Home Console”.

As mentioned before, making a particular console your “Home Console” will allow any other user on that console to play your full digital library. The great part about this is, that by signing into an additional console, you are also allowed to access your full digital library. You probably can see where I’m going here.

To perform this “hack”, simply sign into a trusted friends Xbox One console and make it your home console in the settings. Also, have said friend sign into your console and make it their home console. That’s pretty much it. You will now have access to all your friends digital library, as well as your own. And visa-versa.

I don’t know how long Microsoft will allow this to go on, but there stands a chance they will eliminate this functionality at some point. Although I don’t really see how they could because of the way the functionality is designed at its core.

One huge caveat, you are only allowed to make a console your home console three times in a calendar year. So you better be sure when your doing this, because you won’t get that many tries. One more good reason to own an Xbox One?

So I Created A New App For Windows Phone, TWiTNOW

The first question you may be asking is, “What the heck is TWiT?” TWiT, or is an internet podcast network focused on technology. In fact, TWiT in an acronym for the networks first show This Week in Tech.

TWiTNOW is an application for Windows Phone focused on viewing and listening to the TWiT.TV live streams on Windows Phone. The app features a simple interface for consuming TWiT.TV live video and audio streams. Choose from the four available HTTP live streams, or listen to the TWiT audio stream.

The reasoning for building this application is simple. Windows Phone doesn’t natively support Apple HTTP Live Streaming, or HLS, nor does it support Adobe’s Flash, leaving you dead in the water for viewing TWiT streams live. There are other apps in the Windows Phone Store that replicate this fuctionality, but our aim was to make it as simple as possible.

Official Product Page
Windows Phone Store

Special thanks to TWiT, the Microsoft Media Platform Player Framework, and the Windows Phone Streaming Media project. TWiT® and the TWiT Logo are registered trademarks of TWiT LLC. These netcasts are released under a Creative Commons License.

The Reality Of Life


This summer has been a particularly hard one for my family. The summer brought the passing of both my uncle and my grandfather. And while death is something that we could never get use to, it is in fact a reality of life.

I can recall of when I was younger, feeling a true sense of emptiness once I had been given the realization that everything that lives must die. If one positive can be deemed from this is that it gives us the impetus to make the best of the time we are given, while also preparing for the next life depending on your beliefs.

Uncle Sam was always very kind to me—in additional to making the best lasagna this side of the Mississippi. I can remember working with him the summer prior to going off to college. And although the actual process of setting up mobile homes across the state of Mississippi has never come in handy for me afterward, the added respect for hard work was worth more than its weight in gold. What I learned more than anything was exactly what type of work I did not want to do for the rest of my life, giving me a different perspective when looking at possible career options. Not to say that I would not—or could not—do that type of work, but it gave me a greater understanding of what I did not like. I immensely respect people who work outside, especially in extreme conditions, it cannot be easy.

Then there is my grandfather, whom I and my son share the same name. Whom we also called Big Dad, rather than granddad.

“Put that rock down. You better not throw that”, granddad shouted as I was having one of my particularly defiant moments. This being one of the few times I can remember being outright defiant toward my grandfather as a child—and obviously being absent minded of the consequences of disobeying a direct order. Rock thrown. Whipping followed. I can remember my grandfather saying he thought I’d be a handful when I got older. Thank goodness my path became much more straight and narrow than it began.

Then there were the great times we spent “hauling wood” for the winter with him, or going to his church for one of those “soul stirring” revivals. Things were not always perfect, but it was clear that love reigned supreme in our family.

There is no way these few words can give them justice, but I will miss both my uncle and grandfather. I will never forget the memories, guidance, faith, and love they showed. Talking a great game is one thing, but walking that walk is the greatest example you can give. Thank you.

Study The Word 1.6 Now Available!


We are excited to announce that an update is available for Study The Word for users on Windows Phone 8 and above devices. This update provides features such as: improved live-tile support, added transparent live-tile support, re-designed landing page, improved book-page navigation, added settings page, many user interface tweaks, and bug fixes / code optimization. Download now from the Windows Phone Store.

Improved Live-Tile Update Support

Live-tile now works with a background agent to provide timely updates for those utilizing verse of the day functionality.

Transparent Live-Tile Support

Live-tile is now updated with transparent background for using utilizing the background wallpaper feature on Windows Phone 8.1 and above.

Re-designed Landing Page / Hub

Initial start-up page now features a hub-style interface, showing recent verse, verse of the day, search, and icons for other useful functionality.

Added Settings Page

Added support to fully reset all or parts of the applications, including clearing recent history, bookmarks, or downloaded translations.

Verse Of The Day is Free! — For A Limited-Time


For users on the Windows Phone 8 platform, Study The Word’s in-app purchase, Verse of the Day, is free for a limited-time! Get your copy now as the offer will only be available until June 1, 2014.

All we ask is for you to get the word out about our application. Spread the word by posting to Twitter, posting to Facebook, emailing a friend, or whatever social networks you frequent. Thanks for being a user and enjoy.

The name says it all. The new Verse of the Day feature provides the user with an inspirational verse each and every day they open the application. Verses have been carefully curated from many sources, to provide rich and uplifting verses that will spur the user in their daily pursuit to become closer to God.

Additionally, verses can be shared by holding the verse, which will reveal a number of sharing options, including SMS, Share To Email, Share To Social Networks, Share Screenshot, and Send To Clipboard. These sharing options makes it simple to pass the inspiration on to others in your circle.

Verse of the Day, along with Hear The Word, adds additional useful functionality to your favorite free Bible application on Windows Phone.