Admittedly, I am rather new to the whole energy drink craze. Lately I have been trying a few here and there, just to test the waters until I find one that sticks with me. Today I strolled into my local Wal-Mart, itching to try something new. After looking at serveral, I wound up getting Steven Seagal’s Lightning Bolt energy drink. It is served in a huge can (16 oz), and it’s also pretty cheap ($1.00).
Star Trek TOS: Remastered
2006 is the year of Star Trek’s 40th anniversary. What a huge milestone! To set this year apart from the rest, and also to ensure longevity of the franchise, Star Trek: The Original Series is set for a remastered release. What will this remastered version include? Well, first off, thier will be a CG version of the Enterprise, along with new special effects for certain scenes. The remastering will undoubtedly include scratch and dust cleanup, which also will be upconverted to high definition. This will bring a huge improvement to the whole TOS experience. Can’t wait! Full article found on Star Trek’s official website, along with a slew of questions and answers about the whole remastering process.

Snakes In A Theater… No Literally…
Now this would totally freak me out. A group of pranksters in Arizona released two diamondback rattlesnakes while people were watching the new movie “Snakes On A Plane.” Can you say CRAZY? INSANE? Why someone would do something like this, i don’t know. People really are stupid sometimes. I can’t imagine what the penalty would be if they had got caught. Here’s a snippet of the Local6 article.
Two live diamondback rattlesnakes were released in an Arizona movie theater during a showing of the new film “Snakes on a Plane,” according to Local 6 News. Authorities said pranksters released the young venomous rattlesnakes in a dark theater at the AMC Desert Ridge near Tatum and Loop 101 in Phoenix. The two snakes caused a panic in the dark theater, according to the report.